From Pickup to Destination

Experience the Power of Professional Logistics with UNC Courier Service

Track A Shipment
Effortless Global Shipping

Connecting Continents with Confidence, Through Ocean Freight

Track A Shipment
Efficient Delivery, Every Time

Giving You a Perfect Service is Our Pride

Track A Shipment

Our values includes Integrity which is the core of who we are and all we do. People, who are determined to working together can accomplish anything. Also, serving the needs of our customers and communities is central to our success. These are our values.

We are commited to be the leading logistic solutions provider to our customer. We continually improving & implementing a quality management to achieve it.

John Rukman, Vice President. UNC Courier Service

Ocean Freight

We ship any type of roll-on, roll-off cargo such as automobiles, trailers, tractors motor homes...

Air Freight Services

We use the International network partners to collect shipments from over 230 countries...

Domestic Trucking Services

If you have less than a full truckload of goods or equipment to ship, we can accommodate you through our domestic trucking network.

Cargo Express

Heavy equipment projects sometimes require cranes or pulley systems to lift the cargo, and UNC Courier Service can source the equipment necessary to safely raise and lower large items from one surface to another.

WHY CHOOSE US Customer Satisfication Tools

Since 1997, we have been a leader in the shipping industry. We provide all of our clients with complete logistics solutions from domestic trucking and international air and ocean shipping to warehousing services.

It’s the essence of our DNA – the foundation of our work. It reflects our desire to do what’s right, to serve others, and to improve the quality of life for people around the world.

Truck Rental
Air Transport



To be the benchmark of the container shipping industry, setting the quality standard, thereby offering unrivalled levels of reliability and service quality to our customers.


Our mission is to take a genuine interest in our clients, understand your objectives, and exceed your expectations. We will maintain the highest standards of professional integrity.


This strategy is a journey for the upcoming years – until 2023. A journey we want to do together: With our customers, since they are at the centre of this journey, as a company and of course with our employees.

Our Locations

3 K+
Clients Worldwide

240 +
Owned Vehicles

Tonnes Transported

What Our Customers Saying

Need to get in touch?

Contact us now to get quote for all your global shipping needs